Blog for hpHosts, and whatever else I feel like writing about ....

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Part 5a: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Looks like HostNOC/Burst, finally pulled their finger out. Over the past 24 hours, they've now moved to a bulletproof host (, AS50669 COOLVDS-as FOP Kutcevol Maksum Mukolaevich). If you've not already, you may want to consider blackholing the following;

Registrars used haven't changed, still using DirectI resellers, DomainContext and UK2. Thankfully, DirectI are continuing to nuke the domains as soon as they're identified, aswell as all related domains and their accounts, saving us a world of time. The same cannot be said for UK2, who are still refusing to take action, or DomainContext, who to date - have failed to so much as respond.


Part 5: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Part 4: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Part 3: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Part 2: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

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