Blog for hpHosts, and whatever else I feel like writing about ....

Monday, 27 June 2011

Part 5: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Ever get the feeling HostNOC/Burst aren't taking this seriously? They took 3 years to boot these guys the first time, and now all they're doing, is jumping across different IPs on the HostNOC/Burst AS.

The new IP they're using as of today,

Filenames occasionally change (new ones: New-Video-Addon.40028.exe, FlashPlayer.40028.exe, old ones produce fake 404s), but the infection certainly doesn't.

Based on what I'm seeing on the rest of the /24 (still to be confirmed, so no details yet folks), I'd personally recommend blackholing it. Then again, and perhaps I'm being overly harsh here (who knows, maybe it'll force HostNOC/Burst to pull their finger out), it may be an idea to blackhole their entire AS.


Part 4: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Part 3: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Part 2: Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

Interserver, malware, and the Scottish weather

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