Blog for hpHosts, and whatever else I feel like writing about ....

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Spambot Search Tool v0.23

This release incorporates fixes, modifications and an addition, all of which are listed below.

Version: 0.23

Date: 25-02-2009

+ Added error handling in case file_put_contents() is not available (used for the counter and dumping results to text file)
+ Added error handling in case get_headers() is not available (used for the isURLOnline() function)

Special thanks to ShadowPuterDude ( for reporting these issues to me

Date: 26-02-2009

+ Added error handling in case SBST is forced to use PHP 5 on a system with PHP4 + 5 via .htaccess
* Modified check_spammers.php so the SimpleXMLElement availability check is done prior to the queries running
* Modified isURLOnline to check for PHP5 (skips and defaults to true if < PHP 5)

Special thanks to ShadowPuterDude ( for reporting the above issues to me

+ Added selective matching so you can have the SBST block only if more than one of the spammers details match (see config.php) (requested)


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