Blog for hpHosts, and whatever else I feel like writing about ....

Friday, 24 April 2009 added to hpHosts

Whilst normally free hosting services are not included, I've decided to include in hpHosts. The reason for this is that their mail processor ( is being used in a rash of Citibank phishing scams, and reports to them concerning this, have gone completely ignored.

Until they lock down their form processor to prevent this, I felt it best to blacklist them.

Phishtank submission:

Incidentally, anyone else notice that PhishTank has started including legit links when submitting phishing e-mails to them? (*, * etc etc) I thought it was meant to be parsing those out .... certainly used to.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perhaps you can add the following site too, pretends to offer subtitles for DVD's yet it only offers links to malware domains, and malware .torrents